Evolve and revolve to solve the Novelle’
Loose spore, spoor, spell s’poor.
Lou’s Spore Spore of Destiny. The weir of brandy,
Spart of the Lyf Cycle cycle.
Loose spore, spoor, spell s’poor.
Lou’s Spore Spore of Destiny. The weir of brandy,
Spart of the Lyf Cycle cycle.
Sports Day. Sport for all. Reproductive seed,
Ballistico Spores blowing, Spores and cures and
cleansed pores,
Rowing a shore with oar to spore.
Dream fish...the Net, an ‘idea’ sized catch?
Starseed Transmissions 2010.
Starseed Transmissions 2010.
The Intelligence in the Cherry Stone Words are
Cryptospores, fossilized messages
Paragraphs in
the Zoospore, locomotion
Swarmspore social movement, decentralized,
Natural or artificial? Thought sport?
away and outword, wayward sores float
Dispersed verse turning a propeller in the wave crush
Water sports thoughts awash with salt
Growing both on the ground and Underground
Growing both on the ground and Underground
Spore Mycollegee Degree
Liberty Butter
Yeasts and Leomould Bloom
The role of spores
in Decomposition of the matter?