Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Google Drug Books and Studies

Themes from G.E. Moore: new essays in epistemology and ethics
By Susana Nuccetelli, Gary Seay

Atlas of psychiatric pharmacotherapy
By Roni Shiloh, David J. Nutt, Rafael Stryjer, Abraham Weizman

From chocolate to morphine: everything you need to know about mind-altering ...
By Andrew Weil, Winifred Rosen

“Drugs and society
By Glen R. Hanson, Peter J. Venturelli, Annette E. Fleckenstein

Living with drugs
By Michael Gossop

After Prohibition: an adult approach to drug policies in the 21st century
By Timothy Lynch

Further Weirdness with Terence Mckenna

Further Weirdness with Terence

By Paul Krassner

An except from "Further Weirdness with Terence Mckenna"

For all his pursuit of mysticism, Terence Mckenna is essentially a scientist. He may have a cult following, but he is not a cult leader in the sense that he encourages challenge rather than forbids it. "A scientists job," he says, "is to prove that he is wrong. You don't get that at the ashram or up in a monastery - [mimicking what such a guru would not say]. Well, we crushed that hypothesis to smithereens." So, naturally, i had some follow-up questions for him, in person and by e.mail.

Q. I would feel incomplete if i didn't ask for your comment on the recent news story about Heaven's Gate cult.

A. Like most people, i haven't sorted out the San Diego mass suicide. I imagine that on the mainland, the soul-searching and efforts to determine everyone's collective guilt and complicity are in full cry. But from the slopes of mauna loa, it looks like simply the latest Southern California pyschodrama with attendant obligatory media jack-off. I encountered Do (then Bo) and peep in 1972. They were contemptible, power-crazed new age creepoids then, and apparently things didn't get better.

Q. During the workshop at Esalen, you talked about not knowing where the mind is. Do you think that the mind can function without the brain.?

A. I have not made up my mind on this, but think of the mind as a hyperspatially deployed organ that is ordinarily invisible. As to whether or not it can exist independent of the brain, i am not sure. If the physical world is concieved in a 4-D manifold, it is logically impossible for a physical thing, a 4 D solid, to move or otherwise change. It must be our state of consciousness which changes as we become successively aware of adjacent cross-sections of the 4 D manifold. But this makes sense only if we, the observers, are not in space-time. This would imply that our minds exist on a level beyond anything that physics can tell us about.

Q. You also mentioned how, posteschaton, we'll look back from the grave and laugh at the futility with which we struggled through life. Were you implying that you believe individual consciousness can survive after physical death?

A. Not really, only that life will show its pattern and plan when we look back on it, and that will redeem some of the weirdness of having to live it essentially without a clue.

Q. You mentioned in the workshop, in terms of the coming apocalypse, that people should do things fast. Now, i thought that doing things fast was one of the problems that brought us to this place and that the antidote would be to slow down and savour the implications of what we do. Maybe you and i are saying the same thing?

A. Well, i don't really mean do more and more things, i said more and more will happen. I think the thing to do is to eliminate foolishness, having your time vampirized. I agree with you, the goal is not to just jam in as much stuff as possible. basically one strong motivation for moving to Hawaii was just to escape the silliness, the triviality of it all, and i've discovered there was apparently no information loss. I can keep up with an O.J Simpson discussion even though i spent three minutes a week keeping track. The people who watched every day of the testimony, my God, they must be slow learners. And it's amazing how many fields you can participate in as a fully empowered player without investing much time.

As pleasant as it is, i can't hold the whole thing in my mind in the states, as we citizens of the sovereign state of Hawaii, i can look at it all and see trends and tendencies, and pontificate about it in my rain forest, and it all makes sense. Somebody said, "yeah, well, it all makes sense because you never talk to anybody else. " Probably some truth to that.

Q. At Esalen, you stated: "The technological push that has seemed so relentless and so brutal and so difficult to deflect is, in fact, we are doing the right thing, and the only question is whether we'll make it in time, and it looks like it's going to be a flash photo finish. We basically have until 2012 to figure out how to download all human DNA [and other forms of DNA] on this planet into some kind of indestructible storage mode. Then there's a chance to ride out this catastrophic wave of extinction."

Now, my question is, in view of the recent news which has placed human cloning on the boarder between science-fiction and reality, might not cloning be an answer to the question posed by the statement? How does cloning fit into your theory of the need to prepare ourselves for the apocalypse?

A. In spite of the cloning of Dolly, we still have a great deal to learn about DNA. What was remarkable about the Dolly episode was how far the research team got to understand about the cloning process and how it works. Which does not mean that it will not be applied before it is fully understood. But at this point, it is a kind of stunt. Clones are simply people with a strange family history, and who among us does not fit that description?

The interesting thing about the recent cloning news, both regarding Dolly the ewe and the two cloned monkeys, is that both fated births occured right around the same time, July-August 1996. That was a time that my timewave had long predicted would be a period when there would be some enormous scientific breakthrough.

I was very excited, therefore, by the announcement, at the time, of the discovery of the discovery of microfossils in a Martian meteorite. Now, with the news of clones, i am more convinced than ever that my prediction of a period of novelty and scientific breakthrough was correct. As for the clones themslves, i am reminded of Brave New World, Aldous Huxley's distopia of clueless clones. More scary than 1984, that is for sure. And more likely, long run. So corporate, so elegant.

Q. What are your visions of alternative scenarios that are upcoming, either in December 2012 or before?

A. Well, i've spent a long time thinking about this, although i realized about a year ago that, in a sense, it's not really my issue. The funny thing is, here i have this wave, it predicts every second between here and December 12, 2012, i show it to people and their first question is, 'So what happens afterwards?" It dosen't address that. It addresses all moments before that. nevertheless, i feel the force question, and i've created a series of scenarios in ascending weirdness which answer the question.

A low weirdness answer would be, suddenly everyone begins to behave appropriately. This is kind of Buddhist, Taosit approach. Now, the interesting thing about that scenario is, the first thirty seconds of that we can predict - appropriate behavior would probably be to take your foot off your neighbor's neck. Step back from what you're doing.

And then i always imagine - for some reason, i don't know why - that everybody would take off their cloths and go outside. But after that i can't figure - thats only the first thirty seconds of appropriate behavior. Since we never had that, we can't imagine what it would be like.

Then there's the transformation-of-physics scenario, which basically says, "All boundaries dissolve." What that would probably be like, the first hour of it would be like a thousand micrograms of LSD. After that we can't imagine or predict, because again it would have so totally changed the context that you could no longer predict it.

Then there are the catastrophic scenarios that revolve around the question, "Death, where is thy sting?" And probably the most efficient of those is the planetesimal-impact scenario. A very large object strikes the earth and kills everybody, and that's it.

Q. A blunt object

A. It's a blunt solution. Sort of in that same category is the blue star in Sagittarius. And then a kind of intermediate between those two the sun will explode. That would certainly clear the disc and fulfill the whole thing. The planet vaporizes, and collectively we and all life on earth move into the shimmering capsules of the post-mortem realm, whatever that is. Novel, novel.

When i worked with the timewave, i argued strenuously that it reflects the ebb and flow of novelty, but somebody will come up with something like the release of the Sergeant Pepper album or the O.J Simpson trial, and then we see that it's lost in the noise. What the wave seems most pristinely to predict, or what parallels the wave most closely, is the evolution of technology, and i think technology is something that we haven't really understood. In a sense, technology is the alchemical journey for the condensation of the soul and the union of the spirit and matter in some kind of hyperobject.

The rise of the web has been a great boost to my fantasies along these lines, because now i can see with the Web from here to the eschaton. Apparently, it's a technology for dissolving space, time, personally and just releasing everybody into a data stream, something like the imagination. Then that's why the ultimate technological fantasy along this line of thought is what is conventionally called a time machine.

There's an interesting aspect to the time machine. The wave describes the ebb and flow of novelty in time, but then you reach a point where it's so novel that it fails beyond that point. Well, a time-traveling technology would cause such a system to fail, because it's a description of the unfolding seriality of linear events, which a time machine would disrupt.

So it may be that it isn't explosion of the sun, or the coming of the aliens, or the descent of the second person of the Trinity, it's simply that a technology is put into place that destroys linear time and, from thence forward, when you give your address you have to say not only where but when. There are some problems with this.

And then here is a slightly more interesting and woo-woo scenario. The thing that's called the grandfather paradox - somebody pointed out it's not called the father paradox because apparently you want to avoid an Oedipal situation - and it's simply the following objection: if you could travel into the past, you could kill your grandfather. If you killed your grandfather, you wouldn't exist. Therefore, you couldn't travel into the past. Therefore, time travel is impossible.

One idea i have for an end of history scenario: Time travel becomes more and more discussible, finally there are laboratories working on it, finally there is a prototype machine, finally it's possible to conceive of a test; and so on the morning of December 12, 2012, at the world Temporal Institute headquarters in the Amazon Basin, by a worldwide, high definition, three-dimensional hook up, the entire world tunes in to see the first flight into time. And the lady temponaut comes to the microphone and makes a few brief statements, hands are shaken, the champagne bottle is smashed, she climbs into her time-machine, pushes the button and disappears into the far flung reaches of the future. Now, the interesting question is, what happens next? And i have already established for myself that you can travel backwards into the past, but you can't travel further into the past than the invention of the first time machine, for the simple reason that there are no time machines before that, and if you were to take one where there are none, you get another paradox.

So what happens when the lady temponaut slips into the future? Well, i think what would happen a millisecond later is tens of thousands of time machines would arrive from all points in the future, having come back through time, of course, to witness the first flight into time. Exactly as if you could fly your beachcraft back to Kitty hawk, North Carolina, to that windy morning when the Wright brothers rolled their flyer out and fueled 'er up. And that's as far as the road goes. That's the end of the time road.

But the grandfather paradox persists. One of those time travelers from 5,000 years in the future, on their way back to the first time-travel incident, could stop and kill his grandfather, and then we have this whole problem again. So i thought about this for a long time, and i think i've found my way around it. But, as usual, at the cost of further weirdness.

Here's what would really happen if we invented a time machine of that sort. The lady temponaut pushes the button, and instead of all time machines appearing instantly in the next moment, in order to preserve the system from that paradox, what will happen is, the rest of history of the universe will occur instantly. And so that's it. I call it the God whistle.

This is because you thought you were building a time machine, and in a sense you were, but the time machine isn't what you thought it was. It caused the rest of time to happen instantaneously, and so the furthest out developments of life, matter, and technology in the universe can right up against you a millisecond after you break that barrier, and in fact you discover that traveling time is not traveling time, it's a doorway into eternity, which is all of time, and that's why it becomes more like a hyperspatial deal than a simple linear time-travel thing.

There's been a parallel development which has caused me to be more confident. We're now beginning to build this parallel world called the Wolrd Wide Web. And you can bet that long before we reach 2012, the major religions of the world will build virtual realities of their eschatological scenarios. There will be the Islamic paradise, the Christian millenium, the Buddhist shunyata - these will be channels that you tune into to see if you like it and want to join, so in a sense guaranteeing we will have a virtual singularity.

It's all very well to try to understand the end point, but recall that where we are relative to the end point is in resonance with the year 950 AD. We're like the people in 950 AD trying to understand the web, the hydrogen bomb and the catscanner. How can we? My God, we don't even have calculus yet. Newton hasn't been born yet, let alone Einstein. I mean we're running around - essentially we're primitives, is what i'm saying. We don't have tools yet to conceive of the object of 2012. We must build those tools between now and then. And good places to start are with the web, psychedelic drugs, whatever is the most cutting edge and most far out.

Q. So that saying, "May you live in interesting times," is supposed to have been a chinese curse, but if the ruling class had control of language, it would curse them, but it was a blessing to the people who made it interesting times.

A. I think it's saying the same thing as the Irish toast [heavy brogue], "May you be alive at the end of the world."

Q. Meanwhile, my Chinese fortune cookie predicted that you and i would cross paths again and also that i will enjoy another repast soon.

A. We must meet in a Chinese restaurant and save the oracle unnecessary embarrassment.

- from Further Weirdness with Terence Mckenna" Paul Krassner, Magic Mushrooms and Other Highs - From Toad Slime to Ecstacy. Ten Speed Press. 2004

Paul Krassner is the author of One Hand Jerking: Reports From an Investigative Satirist;
he publishes The Disneyland Memorial Orgy at

Mackenna's Gold

ITS A LIGHT MATTER by Fly Agaric 23

It's alight matter

By flyagaric23

On August 5th, 1945 a Mushroom cloud appeared over Hiroshima, illustrating humanities latest technological breakthrough in Killingry: the ability to kill more and more people in less and less time. 21st century technology can either help people to live joyously and cooperatively or force them to die quicker. The choice is ours. But the hours are not all ours. The first neurotransmitter known to science; Acetylcholine, was identified in 1914 at the breakout of the first world war by Henry Hallett Dale while doing research on heart tissue, Henry went on to win a nobel prize for his rediscovery. The devastating killingry made possible by biological nerve weapons of mass destruction, and other secret nerve agents, are partly due to their inhibition of acetylcholinesterase in the victims. Constant stimulation of the muscles glands and the central nervous system are the terrible symptoms. Popular insecticides inhibit this enzyme too and destroy targeted insects, such as fungas gnats and green fly.
On a more positive tip, Muscarine, a subdivision of Acetylcholine and a neurotransmitter in both the peripheral and central nervous system, can be used to treat Alzheimer's disease and other complications involving abnormal muscle relaxation. The stimulation of the muscle glands through Muscarine acts as an example of a drug being used intelligently and positively as a medicine to help prolong life and help the ill, rather than provoking illness and leading to the annihilation of life.
During the rainy season in the sonoran deserts in Colorado, America, people make a sacred pilgrimage to communicate with little green non-human entities. Small, soft and velvety to touch, with cute little emerald heads that are full of jewles, these holy amphibian drug dealers can each individually deliver enough psychopharmacological energy force to launch, as Ralph Metzner puts it: six to eight adult human beings, potentially, into cosmic hyperconsciousness; into the heart of creation, while returning them safely to their original human form shortly afterwards. A loving example of inter-species communication between mankind and amphibians.
Paradoxically entomology is the scientific study of insects, while etymology is the study of the origins of words. Drosophila_melanogaster is the common species of fruit fly used in genetics experiments ever since GM kicked off around 1910 AD. Most of our modern pharmacological technology and genetic advances are indebted to humble flies while various chemical discoveries are due to extracts from their toadstool namesake: fly agaric.
Italian Ethnobotonist and Ethnomycologist Giorgio Samorini came up with a brilliant new hypothesis called the Lazarus fly, published in his illuminating book; Animals and Psychedelics. This enchanting social-biological observation provides strong scientific evidence for a minded symbiotic relationship between toads, flies and fungi. Buzzillions of flies and fungus gnats throughout history have licked Amanita Muscaria and become as inebriated as Tim Finnegan, stoned, drunken, delirious meals for hungry toads, and other forest-floor foragers who may or may not have picked up this evolutionary advantage, probably tuned in while hanging around mushrooms. This strong, undiluted 70% proof of interspecies communication occuring in forests all over the natural world, illuminates an important etymological keystone; a symbiosis so ancient that it's imediate implications demand an entire scientific and poetic revolution. The buzz term in this field is zoopharmacognosy: the study, celebration and liberation of animals, bugs and plants that mindfully use themselves as inebriating medicine as a kind of novel evolutionary advantage.
Mycoremediation is a term spun by mycologist Paul Stamets and roughly translates as environmental renewal by using fungus. The relative scientific facts about mycoremediation are inspirational for all critterkind facing global meltdown and mindless industrial, global pollution. Fungi have their own kingdom of nature, yet every individual spore is a Tsar: they do not have leaders or Kings in their fungal kingdom, in contrast to human oligarchy. They charitably recycle billions of tons of natural and man made waste products for free so that plants, animals and humans benefit with furtile soils and healthy nutrients to live together happily with. In kaleidoscopic contrast we have the civilized Homo sapien species, who are without shadows of doubt, the greatest natural disaster to explode themselves on this beautiful and life sustaining free planet. Fungus; through their bioremediation are our saviors in some sense. Our shit munching little helpers in another. Literally: mothers little helpers.
Muscarine occurs inside the fetching fly agaric species of mushroom alongside some other psychopharmacological secret agents: ibotenic acid, muscazone and muscimol. Fly agaric and many other fungi in the agaric family are spread far and wide across planet earth. Due to the lack of fungal fossil records we have no specific scientific data pinpointing exactly how long these toadstools have been here, although it's safe to say longer than homo sapiens. Scientific research upon this particular species of fungus has led to many compounds used to increase longevity. Alternatively, other fly agaric extracts can dramatically paralyze biological life, much like usury paralyzes wealth by asphyxiating the natural abundance of nature, blocking her will. Some scholars such as the part time banker at J.P Morgan, and part time mycologist; Richard Gordon Wasson, have suggested that fly agarik is the mythical plant/drug/drink known widely as Soma; highly regarded in the sacred Hindu texts called the Rig Vedas.
Terence Mckenna has proposed that psylocybin containing mushrooms and not Amanita mushrooms maybe a more fitting candidate for the mighty Soma complex due to their stronger psychoactive properties. Other theories propose Soma to be an alchemical combination of various psychoactive vegetables. Thousands of years ago Soma was celebrated as the divine ambrosia of immortality. Today scientists can show how the chemical muscarine lives up to this description by providing useful medical drugs that help prolong life. The great Aldous Huxley deployed SOMA as a literary device in his novel Brave New World, Soma's function in this novel was an opiate of the masses substituting religion and other stimulants popular with Homo sapiens. This excellent distopian device scares me relatively more than Eric Blair's Big Brother and his similar critically paranoid, Nineteen Eighty Four. Although to me, both of these novels seem like fairy stories when compared with the terrifying phenomenon known worldwide as satan claus.
Spearheading the rapidly expanding field of evolutionary epistemologyThe Lazarus fly provides a stunning example of a tight biosemiotic epistemological fit; snug as a bug in a rug. An ancient motherfucking most mysterious matrix tale. An epic love story providing semiotic insights into one of the strangest sociobimaybelogical, tragic/comic romances upon spaceship earth. That's until some entity proposes superior scientific research data to challenge it.
The term to identify flies in latin is musca. Semiotics used as a method applied to fairy myth helps to refine a linguistic approach and attempts to find the 'words' of it's universal lunguage. Many people who choose to ingest psychedelicsgenerally experience a dramatically increased sense and sensibility of light, ranging from tranquil and soft star sparkles, flares, dancing multicolored flames; and the warm sense that billions of torches are searching through fiber-optic energy channels in their body. ToThunder. Lightening. Flashes of explosive photonic bombardment. From all quarters. Blinding. Fractal. Hyperspatial travel. Annihilation. Super nova neural explosions. Atomic detonation of physical boundaries. Energy flashes. Repeating visions. Safely tucked away behind the eyelids.
According to some Christian theology God muttered let there be light, and then, there was light. Bioluminescence is a relatively knu scientific term describing biological cells that emit light photons known as biophotons. Many of the brighter investigative researchers within this glowing field propose that DNA RNA is perpetually emitting these biophotons, and has been doing so since the first RNA DNA molecular poets resurrected themselves upon spaceship Earth. Because of the relatively weak broadcasting strength of these biophotons only recently has modern science and it's post-modern instrumentation rediscovered these ancient auras and properly acknowledged their universality among all RNA DNA coded critters. In the Tibetan book of the Dead there are six lights which correspond to six realms of existence - traditionally, the realm of the gods, jealous gods (asuras), humans, animals, hungry ghosts and hell beings. These lights are also known as the lower lights.
An ever growing population of anthropologists and scientists have visited and participated in ancient sacred vegetable rites and ceremonies and journeyed back to a western scientific paradigm with reality shattering alternative maps, models and novel metaphors. Brave Knu tempronauts vividly describe incredible visions; tales of serpents, jaguars, Pink river dolphins, insectoid timespace traveling anthropologists, many headed monsters with gnashing teeth, light beings, diamond encrusted dancing angels, self transforming basketball elf chemists, E.T's, ghosts of vegetation spirits, deities, superluminous skyladders leading to star systems. This dissolution of boundaries between human, animal, insect, vegetable and amphibian kingdoms into a twilight of pastiche, seems, most likely to me, that under the extra sensory perceptive conditions of certain psychopharmacological agents, the RNA DNA emitted biophotons that are contained within all life on earth suddenly appear detectable to our interacting human nervous system. We literally begin to see the photons, reflect, and then feel what's the matter. And we interpret this light according to our own individual glosses, our neuropsychological and neurosemantic belief systems. I'm doing this right now, and so are you!
The perceived fire inside of fireflies or the lightening inside of lightening bugs is known to scientists as Luciferin. Jellyfish, and Antarctic Krill also contain Luciferin. These creatures translate and amplify the light to such a degree that they appear to human and other sufficiently accomplished seeing critters, as ill with a case of the luminous. Yet, if we could increase our sensitivity to light then maybe all DNA RNA based life would appear illuminated?
Coincidently, illumination or enlightenment [the concept] often appears to critters under the influence of psychoactive compounds or what may be more poetically called entheogens [messengers of metempsychosis from within]. And God said: let there be light, but the meter remained and empty woid. flyagaric23

Quantum mechanix

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Languag vs. The Equation?

Plowed in the sacred field, and unwound the silk-worms

Jurors refuse to take oath,

The reconstruction of civilization from

The rubble of Europe.

This blue-print:

“Eccentric vs. Concentric



The only difference between drugs and computers,

Terence Mckenna said'

Is that we have not developed computers small enough

to swallow yet,

And some of our best people are working on that problem'

The very language of men?

Individual vs. The state

Anecdotal story vs. Statistical Analysis?

Shall we look for a deeper, or is


The Bottom?

Google Books Sources and Rsources

Now that any old Tom, Dick or Harry can have access, albeit limited access, to the texts themselves, the art of quoting reliable sources has become a shared community process where good information can be presented together, for distinguished guests to distinguish between and ultimately come to their own conclusions when presented with the most up to date, unbiased data.

The following are just a few examples of published material concerning the arena of Electronic Drugs, and the thin line between drugs and computers these days, and the alarming rise of drug-prohibisionist rhetoric in the sphere of cyber-psychology and Electronic crimes. I propose a deeper look into these two media that are transforming human beings and human society in ways we can hardly describe in words, evolving the human species into something else, a new electronic man enters the 2010's and leaves the naughties behind.

The drug legalization debate
By James A. Inciardi

Harm Reduction: Pragmatic Strategies for Managing High-Risk Behaviors
By G. Alan Marlatt

Drugs and democracy in Latin America: the impact of U.S. policy
By Coletta Youngers, Eileen Rosin

Rethinking our war on drugs: candid talk about controversial issues
By Gary L. Fisher

The control of drugs and drug users: reason or reaction?
By Ross Coomber

The war on drugs: an international encyclopedia
By Ron Chepesiuk

Drug war heresies: learning from other vices, times, and places
By Robert J. MacCoun, Peter Reuter

The Politics of Ecstasy
By Timothy Leary

Friday, December 25, 2009

Drug Awareness Blog Awareness DABA

Some Religion and some drugs seem to me, often like looking at two ends of the same Macro/microscope. They both change the human interactive nervous system in various ways, and they both do this by electro-chemical means, in some sense.

The phenomena of some religious groups actively spearheading anti-drug programmes in the deluded idea of creating a ‘drug free world’ can be shown to be a total sham, based on subjective bias, by simply looking at the neuro-chemical processes at work in every human nervous system and brain-body interface. We are in part, made up of and manipulated by drugs, they make food digestion, organ operation and brain activity, how can can there be a war on the drugs that have been hard-wired into our biological evolution over aeons?

I would argue that some drugs, currently classified and demonized across the world, are actually tools to help us combat the onset of belief, especially fundamental beliefs, monotheism and dualistic two-valued logic. To draw a comparison, and agitate the relatively small but influential religious fundamentalists who make no logical or scientific sense with their failing war on (some) people that use (some) drugs.

These drugs were defined by Arlan Riley Wilson has having two things in common, one they were relatively cheap and two they were effective, usually this means that three: these drugs are illegal and under the global cloak of prohibition and anti-drug hostility.

I would argue that counter to this, some drugs currently freely available over the counter and manufactured around the world are tools to help the claws of belief take hold, and some of these drugs are actively used as sacraments in religious ceremony around the world, i.e wine.

It’s no coincidence then, that past historical prohibitionists have had a tendency to hold religious and puritanical ideas, having the typical characteristics of the western dominator male: conservative, authoritarian, double-crossing and a fundamentalist believer in an single almighty creator.

Electronic Drugs proposes that the tired and failing prohibition and the war against drugs can been seen to be echoed in the New Digital Inquisition, where electronic states of consciousness are prohibited, and users means to get high are alarmingly and increasingly controlled by power hungry governments and their private interests in the massive new telecommunications and social networks industry. The same neuro-logical states we see prevalent in active anti-drug prohibitionists and religious fundamentalists can now, also be seen in the cyber-ministers and electronic Tsar’s being put in place throughout various sectors of world Government.

This blog will share some of my ideas about how the two different media of chemicals and electronic signals interchange within social networks, both electronic and sensory-sensual.

--Steve Fly Agaric